Compact Heat Exchangers: Selection, Design and Operation
by J.E. Hesselgreaves
Product Description
This book presents the ideas and industrial concepts in compact heat
exchanger technology that have been developed in the last 10 years or
so. Historically, the development and application of compact heat
exchangers and their surfaces has taken place in a piecemeal fashion in a
number of rather unrelated areas, principally those of the automotive
and prime mover, aerospace, cryogenic and refrigeration sectors. Much
detailed technology, familiar in one sector, progressed only slowly over
the boundary into another sector. This compartmentalisation was a
feature both of the user industries themselves, and also of the
supplier, or manufacturing industries. These barriers are now breaking
down, with valuable cross-fertilisation taking place.
One of the industrial
sectors that is waking up to the challenges of compact heat exchangers
is that broadly defined as the process sector. If there is a bias in the
book, it is towards this sector. Here, in many cases, the technical
challenges are severe, since high pressures and temperatures are often
involved, and working fluids can be corrosive, reactive or toxic. The
opportunities, however, are correspondingly high, since compacts can
offer a combination of lower capital or installed cost, lower
temperature differences (and hence running costs), and lower inventory.
In some cases they give the opportunity for a radical re-think of the
process design, by the introduction of process intensification (PI)
concepts such as combining process elements in one unit. An example of
this is reaction and heat exchange, which offers, among other
advantages, significantly lower by-product production.